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Small Businesses using more Social Media than SEO and Email Marketing

Published On: Apr 15, 2011 12:29 pm

A recent Small Business Search Marketing Survey by American Express OPEN and Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO) shows that more small businesses are using Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc…) to attract new business than Mass Email Marketing, Organic SEO and Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Fortunately (for all of us web designer and web developers anyways), Company… read more

Upsell to your existing customers – post-order communications

Published On: Oct 9, 2010 10:35 am

I find it interesting how many missed opportunities happen with online businesses. The reasons vary greatly for this by client, budget, etc… But it is especially apparent on those businesses and organizations that have marketing budgets but have been slow to adapt to the web, or sometimes, just “don’t get it”. Post-order communication is such… read more

Social Media Replaces Corporate Sites?

Published On: May 28, 2009 2:08 pm

With the emergence of Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and all of the hype that accompanies these forms of social media, there have been some rumblings that corporations no longer need their websites. While that is a pretty bold statement, there are some truths to it. Social media marketing allows for business to reach their consumers freely… read more

Outlook remains as the top email client

Published On: Apr 7, 2009 1:26 pm

For those email marketers out there, it is good to know what your customers are reading your emails with. Particularly so that you can design appropriately and convey your message properly. A recent study conducted by our favorite email marketing company, Campaign Monitor, shows that in February 2009, Outlook remains the top email client. With… read more

Video Email: Is 2009 finally the year? – I think not…

Published On: Feb 5, 2009 11:37 am

A recent article published by our favorite email marketing service addresses some of the ongoing technical issues with sending video embedded within email. While this excellent article addresses the technical limitations, it is not until the end where they actually suggest the possibility that it may not be a good idea to send video… read more

Marketing sarcasm in a slow economy

Published On: Dec 10, 2008 4:00 pm

With the slew of marketing emails I receive (and you too, I’m sure), I was recently taken off-guard by a sarcastic message that turned out to be quite humorous. While I do not use Rackspace and I in no way endorse them, I am, for some odd reason, on their mailing list (imagine that, an… read more